Monday, July 9, 2007

tis the season

have you been spending all your free time lately trying to find the perfect gift for me? something that you know i'll love, but that is also practical? well, look no further. i've decided to publish this summer gift guide just for you. so here are a few things i feel that people should buy me. and i don't have any preference which items come from which friend/relative.

and these come in adult sizes:

and it's not like it would kill someone to buy me this pretty dress:

if you really love me, you'd want me to have this (or at least something similar):

i realize my birthday is five months away, and Christmas is six months away, but i think mid-summer is a great time to show love to your friends through material goods. don't you?


Lee said...


lisa said...

your comment is boring.

n said...

hey remember when i offered to give you your birthday present today. that was PRE reading this blog. i am not sure i used pre right. but you know. whatev.

lisa said...

is that a hint that you got me something that's on this list? the bike?! i knew it!!